27 Expectation-maximization
Expectation-maximization (EM) is an iterative algorithm that solves maximum likelihood (ML) problems of estimating parameters in case there are missing or latent (unobserved) variables (features or labels). EM iterates between E-step and M-step until the convergence criterion is met. In E-step, the expected value of the complete data log-likelihood with respect to the probability of the missing variables is computed as a function of the unknown parameters. In M-step, we choose the parameters that maximize the expected value derived in the E-step. EM is proved to converge to a local minimum while the global minimum is not guaranteed.
The EM algorithm
Problem statements
In EM problems, we have two types of variables:
Observed variables: a set of random variables \mathbf{X} from which we can draw samples.
Hidden variables: another set of random variables \mathbf{Z} from which we cannot draw samples.
Although we cannot draw samples from \mathbf{Z}, we assume there exists a \mathbf{z} for each \mathbf{x} observed. Thus we define two types of datasets.
Incomplete data: samples drawn from the observed variables
\mathcal{X} = \{ \mathbf{x}_{1}, \dots, \mathbf{x}_{n} \}.
Complete data: the sample pairs of the observed and hidden variables that we never be able to observe
\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z} = \{ (\mathbf{x}_{1}, \mathbf{z}_{1}), \dots, (\mathbf{x}_{n}, \mathbf{z}_{n}) \}.
Given the incomplete data \mathcal{X}, the goal is to find the maximum likelihood estimate of parameters \Psi for the log-likelihood of the incomplete data \mathcal{X}
\Psi^{*} = \arg\max_{\Psi} \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi).
If we knew what the model \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathbf{x}) is without introducing other variables, the problem is a standard MLE problem and usually can be easily solved.
If instead the joint probability \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) is known or can be derived, we can still solve the problem by maximizing the equation that marginalizes out the latent variables from the joint probability
\log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) = \log \int \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} ( \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}; \Psi ) \partial \mathbf{z},
which in most of the cases doesn’t have a closed-form solution and thus needs to be solved using iterative algorithms.
EM is one of such algorithm with some unique properties that other algorithms don’t have.
EM procedures
Given parameters \hat{\Psi} estimated at the current iteration and incomplete data \mathcal{X}, compute the Q function, which is the expected value of the log likelihood of the complete data \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z} over the distribution of \mathbf{Z}
Q_{\hat{\Psi}} (\Psi) = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z} ; \Psi) \mid \mathcal{X} \right].
Since \mathcal{X} is given but we never be able to see \mathcal{Z}, the log-likelihood is a function of both \Psi and \mathbf{Z},
L(\mathcal{Z}, \Psi) = \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}; \Psi) \mid \mathcal{X}.
The Q function only depend on \Psi but not \mathcal{Z} because taking the expected value of L(\mathcal{Z}, \Psi) over the distribution of \mathbf{Z} eliminates \mathcal{Z} in the expression.
The estimate of the parameter \hat{\Psi} in the current iteration is used in calculating the probability of \mathcal{Z} given \mathcal{X}, which is needed in the expectation calculation process.
Depending the problem setups, the expressions for both \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}; \Psi) and \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{Z} \mid \mathcal{X}; \hat{\Psi}) (used in \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} [\cdot]) should be already known or can be derived from the known probabilistic models between \mathbf{X} and \mathbf{Z}.
Find the parameter \hat{\Psi} that maximizes the expected value derived in the E-step.
\hat{\Psi} = \arg\max_{\Psi} Q_{\hat{\Psi}} (\Psi)
Repeat the E-step and M-step until convergence.
Derivation of EM
The derivation of the EM algorithm mostly comes from the following observation: the log-likelihood of the incomplete data can be decomposed into 2 components
\log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) = G (\Psi, q) + D (\Psi, q)
where q is an arbitrary distribution of the latent variables.
The lower bound of EM
G (\Psi, q) = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}} \left[ \log \frac{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}; \Psi) }{ q (\mathcal{Z}) } \right]
The KL-divergence of between two distributions of \mathbf{Z}, i.e. q(\mathcal{Z}) and \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{Z} \mid \mathcal{X}; \Psi)
D (\Psi, q) = \mathrm{KL} \left[ q \mathrel{\Vert} \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid \mathbf{Z}} \right] = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}} \left[ \log \frac{ q (\mathcal{Z}) }{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{Z} \mid \mathcal{X}; \Psi) } \right].
Lower bound
Since KL-divergence D (\Psi, q) is proved to be non-negative, G(\Psi, q) can be seen as a lower bound of \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi)
\log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) \geq G(\Psi, q),
which can also be proven using Jensen’s inequality.
EM as coordinate ascent on lower bound
The EM is essentially doing the coordinate ascent on G (\Psi, q), which is believed to be easier to optimize than directly optimizing \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi), while guaranteeing the \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) is non-decreasing as G (\Psi, q) is optimized.
Coordinate ascent is an optimization method that optimize a single variable or one dimension of the variable at a time, while fixing the values of the rest of the variables from the last iteration unchanged. In the case of applying to G (\Psi, q) function, \Psi and q are separately maximized in different steps of each iteration.
E-step: given the parameter \hat{\Psi} estimated in the last iteration, the choice of the q function is optimized to maximize the value of G (\Psi, q).
M-step: given the \hat{q} function selected in E-step, \Psi is optimized to maximize the value of G (\Psi, \hat{q}) and will be used in the E-step of the next iteration.
Since the value of \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) doesn’t depend on the choice of q, the choice of q only affect the balance between G (\Psi, q) and D (\Psi, q) when the \Psi is fixed.
Thus, given the parameters \hat{\Psi} estimated in the last iteration, G (\hat{\Psi}, q) is maximized with respect to q when D (\hat{\Psi}, q) is minimized. Since the minimized value of D (\Psi, q) is 0, we have
\begin{aligned} D (\hat{\Psi}, q) & = 0 \\ \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}} \left[ \log \frac{ q (\mathcal{Z}) }{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{Z} \mid \mathcal{X}; \hat{\Psi}) } \right] & = 0 \\ q (\mathcal{Z}) & = \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{Z} \mid \mathcal{X}; \hat{\Psi}), \end{aligned}
which shows that G (\hat{\Psi}) is maximized when the distribution of latent variables is chosen to be the probability of the latent variables given the observed data and the current estimate of the parameters.
A nice property of optimizing q, even though it doesn’t affect the value of \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) at all, is that the value of KL-divergence D (\Psi, \hat{q}) will also be non-decreasing no matter what \Psi is selected in the M-step by maximizing G (\Psi, \hat{q}).
This can be seen from the fact that D (\Psi, \hat{q}) = 0 when \hat{p} is selected to maximize G (\hat{\Psi}, q), and thus any \Psi will guarantee that the value of D (\Psi, \hat{q}) is larger or equal to 0.
This property implicitly prove the convergence of the EM algorithm in that both G (\Psi, q) and D (\Psi, q) will be non-decreasing during each iteration, and therefore, the value of \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{X}; \Psi) is non-decreasing in each iteration.
G (\Psi, q) can be further decomposed into two components
G (\Psi, q) = Q (\Psi, q) + \mathrm{H} (q).
The expected value of the complete data with respect to the distribution q
Q (\Psi, q) = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z} \sim q} \left[ \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}; \Psi) \right].
The entropy of the latent variables
\mathrm{H} (q) = - \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}} \left[ \log q (\mathcal{Z}) \right].
Since \mathrm{H} (q) doesn’t depend on \Psi, it will stay as a constant in the process of maximizing G (\Psi, q) with respect to \Psi.
Given \hat{q} = \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}} (\mathcal{Z} \mid \mathcal{X}; \hat{\Psi}), maximizing G (\Psi, \hat{q}) is the same as maximizing Q function we defined above:
\begin{aligned} \arg\max_{\Psi} G (\Psi, \hat{q}) & = \arg\max_{\Psi} Q_{\hat{\Psi}} (\Psi) \\ & = \arg\max_{\Psi} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z} \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{Z}} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z} ; \Psi) \right]. \end{aligned}
Example: mixture model
One application of EM algorithm is to obtain MLE of the parameters in a mixture models.
Mixture model
We say random variable \mathbf{X} follows a mixture model if its distribution is a weighted combination of multiple components, where each component has a simple parametric distributions. Thus mixture model can represent distributions that cannot be expressed using a single parametric distribution.
Each sample \mathbf{x} is associated with a latent random variable z that indicates which component (parametric distribution) that \mathbf{x} should be drawn. Thus the sample \mathbf{x} has the conditional probability in a parametric form with parameters \boldsymbol{\theta}
\mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x} \mid z ; \boldsymbol{\theta}),
if we know the latent variable z for the sample.
Assuming in total we have c latent variables for all samples and each latent variable has the probability \mathbb{P}_{Z} (z), the probability of the sample is
\mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{z=1}^{c} \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x} \mid z) \mathbb{P}_{Z} (z).
The Gaussian mixture model is simply a mixture model in which all components are Gaussian distributions.
EM for mixture model
If we knew what z is for each \mathbf{x}, the estimate of parameters for each component can be easily derived by sampling a dataset \mathcal{X}_{z} from the conditional distribution and applying MLE.
However, in practice, we never know which component each sample belongs to, and thus we apply EM by treating \mathbf{X} as observed variables and Z as the hidden variable.
The goal of applying EM is to find the parameters \Psi in the mixture model including:
The parameters for the parametric distribution of each component \{ \boldsymbol{\theta}_{1}, \dots, \boldsymbol{\theta}_{c} \}.
The probability of each component \{ \pi_{1}, \dots, \pi_{c} \}.
E-step: complete data likelihood
To derive the EM procedure, we first need to write out the log-likelihood of the complete data in terms of the known parametric distributions
\begin{aligned} L(\mathcal{Z}, \Psi) & = \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, Z} (\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}; \Psi) \\ & = \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathcal{X} \mid \mathcal{Z} ; \boldsymbol{\theta}) \mathbb{P}_{Z} (\mathcal{Z}) \\ & = \log \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid z_{i} ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{z_{i}}) \pi_{z_{i}} & [\text{i.i.d assumption}], \\ \end{aligned}
where x_{i} is a sample, z_{i} indicates the component that x_{i} belongs to, \boldsymbol{\theta}_{z_{i}} is the parameters of the distribution for the component z_{i}, and \pi_{z_{i}} = \mathbb{P}_{Z} (z_{i}) is the probability of the component z_{i}.
Since z is discrete and range from 1 to c, any function of z can be written as
f(z) = \prod_{i=1}^{c} f(i)^{\mathbb{1} (z = i)},
where z is extracted out from the function to the power of the function.
Thus, the complete data likelihood can be further simplified to
\begin{aligned} L(\mathcal{Z}, \Psi) & = \log \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid z_{i} ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{z_{i}}) \pi_{z_{i}} \\ & = \log \prod_{i=1}^{n} \prod_{j=1}^{c} \left[ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j}) \pi_{j} \right]^{\mathbb{1}(z_{i} = j)} & [f(z_{i}) = \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid z_{i} ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{z_{i}}) \pi_{z_{i}}] \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{c} \log \left[ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j}) \pi_{j} \right]^{\mathbb{1}(z_{i} = j)} \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{c} \mathbb{1}(z_{i} = j) \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j}) \pi_{j}. \end{aligned}
E-step: Q function
Taking the expectation of complete data log-likelihood over Z gives us the Q function that doesn’t depend on Z
\begin{aligned} Q_{\hat{\Psi}} (\Psi) & = \mathbb{E}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ L(\mathcal{Z}, \Psi) \right] \\ & = \mathbb{E}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{c} \mathbb{1}(z_{i} = j) \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j} \right) \pi_{j} \right] \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{c} \mathbb{E}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ \mathbb{1}(z_{i} = j) \right] \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j} \right) \pi_{j} \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{c} h_{i, j} \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j} \right) \pi_{j}, \\ \end{aligned}
where h_{i, j} = \mathbb{E}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ \mathbb{1}(z_{i} = j) \right] is a constant value that can be computed given that we have parameter \hat{\Psi} estimated in the last iteration.
\begin{aligned} h_{i, j} & = \mathbb{E}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left[ \mathbb{1} (z_{i} = j) \right] \\ & = \sum_{k=1}^{c} \mathbb{P}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left( k \mid \mathbf{x}_{i} \right) \mathbb{1} (k = j) \\ & = \mathbb{P}_{Z \mid \mathbf{X}; \hat{\Psi}} \left( j \mid \mathbf{x}_{i} \right) & [\mathbb{1} (k = j) = 0 \text{ for } k \neq j] \\ & = \frac{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j; \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_{j} \right) \hat{\pi}_{j} }{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}} (\mathbf{x}_{i}) } & [\text{Bayes' Theorem}] \\ & = \frac{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_{j} \right) \hat{\pi}_{j} }{ \sum_{k=1}^{c} \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X}, Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i}, k \right) } & [\text{marginalization}] \\ & = \frac{ \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j; \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_{j} \right) \hat{\pi}_{j} }{ \sum_{k=1}^{c} \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid k; \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_{k} \right) \hat{\pi}_{k} } \end{aligned}
M-step: maximizes Q function
Computing \hat{\Psi}_{\text{new}} that maximizes Q function for the next iteration is an optimization problem
\hat{\Psi}_{\text{new}} = \arg\max_{\Psi} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{c} h_{i, j} \log \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} \left( \mathbf{x}_{i} \mid j ; \boldsymbol{\theta}_{j} \right) \pi_{j},
which can usually be solved analytically depending on the mathematical form of the parametric distribution of the component \mathbb{P}_{\mathbf{X} \mid Z} (\mathbf{x} \mid z).
Again, \hat{\Psi}_{\text{new}} is the estimated parameters that include
parameters \{ \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_{1}, \dots, \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_{c} \} in the c components of the mixture model.
probability parameters \{ \hat{\pi}_{1}, \dots, \hat{\pi}_{c} \} of c components.
- http://www.columbia.edu/~mh2078/MachineLearningORFE/EM_Algorithm.pdf
- https://gregorygundersen.com/blog/2019/11/10/em/
- https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1268&context=gc_cs_tr
- https://mbernste.github.io/posts/em/